Brideshead 70th Anniversary Marked in Press

Several print publications and other news media carried brief stories yesterday marking the 70th anniversary of the U.K. publication of Brideshead Revisited  on May 28, 1945. Here’s a link to one in Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture. The Times newspaper also ran a story on May 16 by columnist Eleanor Doughty entitled “Happy Birthday Brideshead: It’s a Shame You’re a Bit of a Bore.” A subscription is needed to access that. An earlier limited edition was printed and distributed by Waugh as presents for Christmas 1944. That may properly be considered the first edition, but Waugh made substantial changes in it before it was published commercially in May 1945. U.S. publication followed later, with the Little, Brown trade edition dated January 1946 (although a Book-of-the-Month-Club edition seems to have preceded that).

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