Waugh Cited in Republican Party Debacle

Political columnist Christian Schneider in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel cites Wavian words of wisdom in connection with the present problems of the Republican Party:

Evelyn Waugh once famously noted that the primary failure of the British Conservative Party is that it had failed to “put the clock back a single second.” American conservatives now, too, are resentful that they can’t hop in Doc Brown’s DeLorean and return to the simpler days of the summer of 2015.  It was an innocent time when debate stages were bereft of candidates discussing their priapic qualifications, before a cable news anchor’s fertility cycle became clickbait, and when mocking disabled reporters was seen as a sign of weakness, not strength. It also was a time of unbridled optimism for conservatives, as 17 people were running for president, many with strong right-wing pedigrees.  The biggest worry Republicans had was trying to escape the ubiquity of that horrifying “Uptown Funk” song.

See earlier post for source of Waugh’s quote.

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