LibraryThing completes online catalog of Evelyn Waugh’s library

The book-centered social website LibraryThing has announced that its project to make available online a catalog of Evelyn Waugh's library has been completed.

LibraryThing states that 2,752 books are in the finished catalog, but this number is considerably less than the 3,500 books said to exist in the Evelyn Waugh collection at the Harry Ransom Center of the University of Texas at Austin. Comments are solicited from LibraryThing explaining how their EW cataloging team arrived at the number they did.

Update (Dec. 16): jburlinson, the person chiefly responsible for building the Evelyn Waugh library catalog, has responded to a question posed at LibraryThing about the book counts:

The 2,752 number represents the number of separate, individual titles. A number of Waugh's titles are multi-volume works, including "collected works" for many authors, such as Alexander Pope (9 volumes), Thomas Browne (6 volumes), Jonathan Swift (19 volumes), John Ruskin (11 volumes), many more.

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