New book of essays on Evelyn Waugh

A new book of essays on Evelyn Waugh edited by three members of the Evelyn Waugh Society has been published by Rowman & Littlefield. From the publisher's website:

A Handful of Mischief: New Essays on Evelyn Waugh is a collection of essays based on presentations at the Evelyn Waugh Centenary Conference at Hertford College, Oxford, in 2003. There are twelve different essays by authors from various countries, including Australia, Canada, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The essays cover a wide range of material, from Waugh's early novel Black Mischief (1932) to his last travel book, A Tourist in Africa (1960). In addition to essays on well-known novels such as Scoop (1938), Brideshead Revisited (1945), and Helena (1950), the collection includes papers on Waugh's library, his changing conception of Oxford, his writing about religious conversion, and his role in the British evacuation of Crete in 1941. The authors approach Waugh and his work in various ways, and innovative essays explore sovereignty, post-colonialism, and adaptation for radio.

A Handful of Mischief: New Essays on Evelyn Waugh is edited by Donat Gallagher, Ann Pasternak Slater, and John Howard Wilson. Professor Gallagher is an honorary vice president of the Society, and Professor Wilson is the Society's secretary.

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