Evelyn Waugh Studies
The Society’s scholarly journal Evelyn Waugh Studies, published three times a year in the spring, autumn, and winter, is the official publication of the Evelyn Waugh Society and features articles about all aspects of Waugh’s life and work.
The journal was published from 1967 through 1998 under the name Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies and was revived on the Web under that name in 2002. Renamed Evelyn Waugh Studies in 2011, the journal is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and it is distributed by EBSCO Publishing, the Gale Group, and ProQuest.
Current Issue: Vol. 55 No. 2 (Autumn 2024).
Previous Issues: Vol. 55 No. 1 (Spring 2024). Vol 54 No 3 (Winter 2023); Vol 54 No 2 (Autumn 2023); Vol 54 No 1 (Spring 2023); Vol 53 No 3 (Winter 2022); Vol 53 No. 2 (Autumn 2022); Vol 53 No. 1 (Spring 2022); Vol. 52 No. 3 (Winter 2021); Vol. 52 No. 2 (Autumn 2021)
The entire back-catalogue of Evelyn Waugh Newsletter/Studies is available through the University of Leicester Special Collections Online.
Submission Guidelines
Essays as well as notes and news about Waugh and his work may be submitted to Evelyn Waugh Studies by email to (click to email), or by mail to:
Prof. Jonathan Pitcher
Co-editor, Evelyn Waugh Studies
Bennington College
One College Drive
Bennington, VT 05201
Phone: +1 (802) 440-4684
Submissions should follow MLA style and be no more than 5,000 words in length.
Since most readers will be familiar with Waugh’s work, authors should minimize unnecessary quotations and explanatory references. Submitted essays are first screened by the editors and if deemed acceptable for publication are then sent to associate editors for further review.
Authors should expect to be notified of the editors’ final decision within twelve weeks of submission.
Editorial Board
Founding Editor: Paul A. Doyle, Nassau Community College
Jonathan Pitcher, Bennington College
Yuexi Liu, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Associate Editors:
Alain Blayac, University of Montpellier
Robert Murray Davis, University of Oklahoma
Marcel DeCoste, University of Regina
Donat Gallagher, James Cook University
K. J. Gilchrist, Iowa State University
J. V. Long, Portland State University
George McCartney, St. John’s University
Naomi Milthorpe, University of Tasmania
Douglas Lane Patey, Smith College
Patrick Query, United States Military Academy
B. Douglas Russell
Ann Pasternak Slater, St. Anne’s College, Oxford
Alexander Waugh