A Bitter Trial: Evelyn Waugh and John Cardinal Heenan on the Liturgical Changes

St. Augustine's Press is publishing in October a new edition of A Bitter Trial: Evelyn Waugh and John Cardinal Heenan on the Liturgical Changes, a collection of letters between Evelyn Waugh and John Cardinal Heenan concerning the liturgical changes introduced by the Catholic Church in the 1960s. From the publisher's website:

For the last decade of his life, Evelyn Waugh experienced the changes being made to the Church’s liturgy to be nothing short of “a bitter trial.” In Cardinal Heenan he found a sympathetic pastor and a kindred spirit. This volume makes available the previously unpublished correspondence between these prominent Catholics, revealing in both an incisive disquiet.

A Bitter Trial is available for pre-order on Amazon.com.

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