Category Archives: Catholicism

2023 Academic Papers

The following academic papers with Evelyn Waugh in their titles appeared during calendar 2023. Abstracts have been included where available: –Victoria Fernandez Ruiz, “Metaphorical value in the metaphor of conversion: The sacred and profane memories of Capt. Charles Ryder in … Continue reading

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Roundup: Schoolmaster Novelists

–Literary biographer Jeffrey Meyers writing in describes the early 20th Century school teaching careers of four English novelists. Here are the opening paragraphs: Aspiring writers have often tried their hand at teaching.  They have usually assumed that it would … Continue reading

Posted in A Little Learning, Catholicism, Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Podcast, Scoop, The Loved One | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Schoolmaster Novelists

75th Anniversary of “American Epoch” Commemorated

Kenneth Craycraft writing in the religious journal Our Sunday Visitor notes that this year is the 75th anniversary of the publication of Waugh’s article in Life Magazine (19 September 1949) entitled “The American Epoch of the Catholic Church.” This followed … Continue reading

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Editing Merton

The Jesuit magazine America has posted a brief retrospective article describing Robert Giroux’s early professional coup with his 1948 publication of Thomas Merton’s Seven Storey Mountain. This is written by James T Keane. Evelyn Waugh played a part in the … Continue reading

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Roundup: Anniversaries, Flemings and Nature Writing

–A feature length article in the religious journal Crisis Magazine marks the anniversary of Waugh’s conversion to Roman Catholicism on 29 September 1930. This is written by S A McCarthy and entitled “The Curmudgeonly Catholic: Three Life Lessons from Evelyn … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Ninety-Two Days, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Anniversaries, Flemings and Nature Writing

Midsummer Roundup

—The Article has a detailed review of the recent CWEW edition of A Handful of Dust. This is by literary biographer and critic Jeffrey Meyers who has written several articles about Waugh in the last few years. Meyers opens his … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Collections, Complete Works, Helena, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Midsummer Roundup

Bastille Day Roundup

—Architectural Review has reposted its June 1930 article by Evelyn Waugh about the buildings of Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi. Some of this was included in Waugh’s  contemporaneous travel book Labels, but the magazine article appears to be more fully illustrated. … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Photography & Sculpture, Catholicism, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Labels, Newspapers | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Bastille Day Roundup

Daylight Savings (UK) Roundup: Pre-Raphaelites at the Tate Britain

–Tate Britain has mounted a major exhibit of Pre-Raphaelite painting of and by Elizabeth Siddal. This is described in an article by Iona McLaren in the Daily Telegraph: For modern readers, accustomed to the legend of Siddal as the “meek, unconscious dove” … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Newspapers, Ninety-Two Days, Rossetti: His Life and Works, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Daylight Savings (UK) Roundup: Pre-Raphaelites at the Tate Britain

Waugh’s Ash Wednesdays

On this Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the Western Christian Churches, the National Catholic Register has posted an article recounting how Evelyn Waugh and his colleague Fr Ronald Knox observed the occasion. Here’s the Waugh version: He … Continue reading

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Roundup: Boris Johnson, Arcadia and a Feghoot

–The New Statesman mentions Waugh twice in separate articles recounting the last days of Boris Johnson’s premiership. The first is by Jason Cowley and is entitled “In 2019 Boris Johnson had everything he wanted. But the gods were waiting for … Continue reading

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