Category Archives: Articles

Evelyn Waugh Studies 54.3 (Winter 2023) Posted

The latest volume of the Society’s thrice yearly journal Evelyn Waugh Studies,  No. 54.3 (Winter 2023) has been posted. Here is a description of its contents by the Society’s Secretary, Jamie Collinson: This edition features a brilliant essay by Tim … Continue reading

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Waugh + Greene = “The Odd Couple”

The Critic magazine has posted a feature length article by literary critic and biographer Jeffrey Meyers. This is entitled “The odd couple: Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene may have been unlike as possible, but they remained the closest of friends … Continue reading

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2023 Academic Papers

The following academic papers with Evelyn Waugh in their titles appeared during calendar 2023. Abstracts have been included where available: –Victoria Fernandez Ruiz, “Metaphorical value in the metaphor of conversion: The sacred and profane memories of Capt. Charles Ryder in … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Articles, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Love Among The Ruins, Sword of Honour | Tagged | Comments Off on 2023 Academic Papers

2022 Academic Papers

Announcements of academic papers with Evelyn Waugh in their title for the calendar year 2022 are posted below. Where abstracts have been published with the title and source, these have been included: –Guy Woodward, “Conducting his Own Campaigns: Evelyn Waugh … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Articles, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Put Out More Flags, Sword of Honour, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold | Comments Off on 2022 Academic Papers

Armistice Day Roundup

—The Spectator carries an article revealing renewed interest in the works of innovative novelist Ronald Firbank. This is by contemporary novelist Alan Hollinghurst and is inspired by the recent erection of a Blue Plaque commemorating Firbank’s residence at 33 Curzon … Continue reading

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Dog Days Roundup

–Will Lloyd, commissioning editor of the New Statesman, has written an interesting and enjoyable article in that journal summarizing why Evelyn Waugh’s works have outlived those of his contemporaries. This is entitled: “Evelyn Waugh is laughing at you: His lethally … Continue reading

Posted in Articles, Brideshead Revisited, Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Dog Days Roundup

Academic Article on Waugh’s Book Collection

The University of Southern California has posted an illustrated copy of Naomi Milthorpe’s 2016 article “A Secret House: Evelyn Waugh’s Book Collection”. Naomi teaches at the University of Tasmania and is a longtime member of the Evelyn Waugh Society. This … Continue reading

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Waugh and Intermodernism

An academic article entitled “Intermodernism and the Ethics of Lateness in Evelyn Waugh and Harold Acton” and published in English Studies, v. 103, Number 6 (2022) has been posted on the internet. This is written by Allan Killner-Johnson, University of … Continue reading

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Orwell News

George Orwell was born the same year as Evelyn Waugh and they became acquainted  in the late 1940s shortly before Orwell’s death. They admired each other’s writing but had different political and religious views (although both agreed in their opposition … Continue reading

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Waugh Website Expansion

Duncan McLaren has rearranged his Waugh website in order to accommodate new entries. This involves creation of a new website where he will include all material relating to Waugh’s war and postwar life and writings (from 1939). Original material relating … Continue reading

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