Category Archives: Journal

Evelyn Waugh Studies 54.3 (Winter 2023) Posted

The latest volume of the Society’s thrice yearly journal Evelyn Waugh Studies,  No. 54.3 (Winter 2023) has been posted. Here is a description of its contents by the Society’s Secretary, Jamie Collinson: This edition features a brilliant essay by Tim … Continue reading

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St Austin Waugh Issue

The latest issue of the bi-monthly religious literary journal St Austin Review (November/ December 2019) is entitled “Brideshead & Beyond: The Genius of Evelyn Waugh.” The Waugh-related content is described as follows: Joseph Pearce admires “the genius of Evelyn Waugh”. John … Continue reading

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Entire Back-catalogue of Evelyn Waugh Newsletter/Studies Now Available Online

In a major development in the field of Evelyn Waugh scholarship, the entire back-catalogue of the Evelyn Waugh Newsletter/Studies has been made available through the University of Leicester Special Collections Online. The Evelyn Waugh Studies Collection comprises searchable complete runs … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Collections, Complete Works, Evelyn Waugh Society, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Journal, Newsletter | Tagged | Comments Off on Entire Back-catalogue of Evelyn Waugh Newsletter/Studies Now Available Online

Autumn 2013 issue of Evelyn Waugh Studies published

The Autumn 2013 issue of Evelyn Waugh Studies has been published and is available in PDF format here.

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