Tag Archives: University of Leicester

Auction Sale of Two Waugh Letters

An online auction is offering for sale a 1945 letter from Evelyn Waugh to a Conservative MP. This relates to the policies of the British Government in Yugoslavia during and after WWII. Here is the seller’s listing info as posted … Continue reading

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Modernism’s Centenary Marked: Essay and Lecture

There have been several stories in the papers recently about the major events in the history of modern literature that occurred in 1922. A recent article by John Self in The Critic magazine does an excellent job of bringing them … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, A Little Learning, Academia, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Lectures, Newspapers, Television Programs | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Modernism’s Centenary Marked: Essay and Lecture

Complete Works Project Seek Help

The Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh Project at the University of Leicester seek help to identify copyright holders of certain letters received by Evelyn Waugh from various writers for permissions to publish such letters in future volumes of their Personal … Continue reading

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New Waugh-Themed Play in the Works

The literary agency Curtis Brown has posted a notice regarding one of their clients who is working on a new theatrical play that will be of interest to our readers: Sophie Swithinbank is a London based playwright. Her play, Bacon, won … Continue reading

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Alexander Waugh to Chair Panel at Literary Leicester Festival

A panel has been announced for the Literary Leicester Festival on the subject “Remembering Alexander Chancellor (1940-2017).” He was editor and contributor to several journals, including most notably The Spectator. The panel will he chaired by Alexander Waugh, his son-in-law … Continue reading

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University of Leicester Seeks Research Manager for CWW Project

The University of Leicester has advertised for applicants to fill its position of Research Project Officer for its ongoing project to edit and publish (through OUP) the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh. This is a part time position (approx. 20 … Continue reading

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University of Leicester Posts PR about Launch of Complete Works

The University of Leicester which is hosting the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project has issued a detailed Press Release about the publication of the first five volumes. The launch of the project is scheduled for later this week. Much … Continue reading

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Waugh Anniversary Events Announced

The University of Leicester has announced the details of the first in what will be of a series of events to mark the 50th anniversary of Evelyn Waugh’s death in 1966. These include a monthly book group session starting on Monday 18 January. This will … Continue reading

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Alexander Waugh to Speak on Combe Florey

The University of Leicester has announced a lecture by Alexander Waugh on Evelyn Waugh’s views on the English country house, with particular reference to his own house, Combe Florey, in Somerset. The talk is open to the public (£3 admission) … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Alexander Waugh, Combe Florey, Complete Works, Lectures | Tagged | 2 Comments

Complete Works of P. G. Wodehouse Completed

The final volume of the complete works of novelist P.G.Wodehouse has been issued. This brings to closure a 15 year project of publisher Everyman’s Library. For the first time all 99 of Wodehouse’s books are in print from a single … Continue reading

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