Category Archives: Combe Florey

Roundup: A Florentine Dinner Party, Some Interviews and a Pub

–The latest issue of Catholic Herald includes an article about Evelyn Waugh. This is written by Mark Roberts and is taken from his recent book noted below. In it, he describes an unpleasant dinner party in Florence that Waugh attended … Continue reading

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MLK Day Roundup

–The German-language paper Der Standart based in Austria has posted an article about Waugh’s book collecting. This is mostly devoted to a book previously discussed. Here is a translation of the text: You may know the British novelist Evelyn Waugh … Continue reading

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Roundup: Waugh Venues and School Envy

–The American print media have finally discovered the news about the sale of Piers Court. A brief article appears in the New Yorker entitled “For Sale: Evelyn Waugh’s Manor House, 8 BR/24 Acres/1 Waugh-Obsessed Tenant”. This begins with a summary … Continue reading

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Evelyn Waugh Studies 52.2 (Fall 2021)

The latest issue of the Society’s journal, Evelyn Waugh Studies, has been distributed to the membership. This is issue Ne. 52.2 (Fall 2021). A slightly edited summary  by the Society’s Secretary, Jamie Collinson, that accompanied the distribution, is set forth … Continue reading

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Roundup: Sash Windows and Sitwells

–Eleanor Doughty writing in Country Life considers whether sash windows should be repaired or replaced. She opens the story with this: There is something about a sash window, isn’t there? The gentle squeak and heave as you lift it up, … Continue reading

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Roundup: Public Schools, Pronunciation and Epigraphs

–The Daily Telegraph has an essay by Rupert Christiansen reviewing the English obsession with Public Schools. This begins with a consideration of several novels, films and stage plays that center on the miserable lives suffered by both students and teachers … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Combe Florey, Complete Works, Decline and Fall, Interviews, Newspapers, Put Out More Flags, Scoop, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Public Schools, Pronunciation and Epigraphs

Memoir of Combe Florey

Sophia Waugh, Auberon’s daughter and Evelyn’s grand daughter, has written a bittersweet memoir of Combe Florey House on the occasion of its sale. This appears in a recent issue of the Catholic Herald.  Here are some excerpts: …My grandfather bought … Continue reading

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Combe Florey House (More)

Alexander Waugh has kindly confirmed the following with respect to the Waugh Family graves next to Combe Florey House: The wall has now been fixed by family effort and EW’s grave is now approached up some steps from the church … Continue reading

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Oldie Digs up Grave Problems at Combe Florey

The Oldie magazine in response to recent stories in the national press about the sale of Combe Florey House has republished an article from 2016 by Teresa Waugh, Auberon’s widow and former owner-occupant of the house. This relates to the … Continue reading

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Earth Day Roundup

–Several other papers have run stories about the sale of Combe Florey House. The most extensive photographic displays are in the Daily Mail and Country Life which also have brief discussions of the Waugh family’s associations with the house. The … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Anniversaries, Auberon Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Combe Florey, Newspapers, Oxford | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Earth Day Roundup