Category Archives: Combe Florey

Combe Florey Sale Coincides with Waugh Anniversary

In an article in today’s Times newspaper, Patrick Kidd writes: On Easter morning 55 years ago tomorrow [Saturday, 10 April 2021] Evelyn Waugh said his last Deo gratias. After assisting his priest at a Latin mass in the Somerset town … Continue reading

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Evelyn Waugh, d. 10 April 1966, R.I.P.

Today is the 54th anniversary of the death of Evelyn Waugh. His death occurred on what was Easter Sunday, and he had attended Mass earlier in the day. He died after returning to his home in Combe Florey and is … Continue reading

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Waugh and Mitford: Grave Problems

Waugh’s friend Nancy Mitford is in the news relating to the publication in the USA of her biography by Laura Thompson, Life in a Cold Climate. See previous posts. The Wall Street Journal (10 January 2020) has a favorable review by … Continue reading

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Weekend Roundup: Somerset in the News

Most of our Waugh news in this week’s roundup come from or relates to the county of Somerset: An Australian radio program on the ABC network announces the upcoming TV series on the career of politician Jeremy Thorpe. This is … Continue reading

Posted in Auberon Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Combe Florey, Evelyn Waugh, Newspapers, Radio Programs, Ronald Knox, Waugh Family | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Weekend Roundup: Somerset in the News

Dursley in the News

The Mirror has identified Dursley (where Evelyn Waugh lived from 1937-1956) as a “commuter hotspot”. This is determined by its proximity to Bristol and is measured by the annual growth in housing prices. The Mirror puts Dursley at #2 in … Continue reading

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Take a Pew, or Not, as the Case May Be

In “The Times Diary” column of today’s edition of the paper, Patrick Kidd writes this about relations between Evelyn Waugh and John Betjeman: WAUGH OF WORDS Visitors to Combe Florey, the family home of Evelyn and Auberon Waugh, used to … Continue reading

Posted in Alexander Waugh, Auberon Waugh, Combe Florey, Newspapers, Radio Programs | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Take a Pew, or Not, as the Case May Be

Alastair Graham, Steven Runciman and More Misfits

A blogger named John (who lives in the Southern US) posted on his weblog Notes from a Common-place Book a report of his recent trip to England. This posting is dated 4 September 2017. He sought out gravesites of writers he considered “misfits” … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Combe Florey, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Wales | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Waugh Ear Trumpet to be Displayed in Glastonbury

BBC Radio Somerset has interviewed the director of the South West Heritage Trust which recently acquired one of Evelyn Waugh’s ear trumpets. This is Tom Mayberry who is interviewed by Radio Somerset’s Charlie Taylor. Mayberry explains that the ear trumpet is intended to … Continue reading

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Combe Florey Parish Council at Risk

The Parish Council of Combe Florey is at risk of dissolution for lack of interest. According to the Somerset County Gazette, there are only two council members remaining in their seats as a result of others having resigned. The Parish Council … Continue reading

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Waugh Sites

Several newspapers have recently recommended visits to sites in England that have been associated with Evelyn Waugh. The Daily Telegraph in its Property column has a fairly detailed description of Renishaw Hall. Although still owned and occupied by the Sitwell … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Adaptations, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Combe Florey, Decline and Fall, Labels, Letters, Newspapers | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Waugh Sites