Category Archives: Ronald Knox

Mid-May Roundup

–The Italian language newspaper Il Manifesto has posted an article (“The ivory brush and the tabernacle”) on Waugh’s novel Brideshead Revisited. This is written by Viola Pagetti. Here are slightly edited extracts translated (by Google) from the opening paragraphs: Having … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Film: The Scarlet Woman, Internet, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Television Programs, Translations | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Mid-May Roundup

Auction Sale of Two Waugh Letters

An online auction is offering for sale a 1945 letter from Evelyn Waugh to a Conservative MP. This relates to the policies of the British Government in Yugoslavia during and after WWII. Here is the seller’s listing info as posted … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Auctions, Internet, Items for Sale, Letters, Ronald Knox, World War II | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Auction Sale of Two Waugh Letters

Roundup: More Letters and a Radio Adaptation

–Another batch of Waugh’s letters have been auctioned recently. These consisted of communications with his bookbinders Sangorski & Sutcliffe regarding special bindings for his own library and presentation copies. These were recently sold by the auction house RR Auction in … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Internet, Letters, Newspapers, Radio, Ronald Knox, Scott-King's Modern Europe, Short Stories | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Roundup: More Letters and a Radio Adaptation

Winter Solstice Roundup

–This letter appeared in a recent issue of The Times newspaper: DECLARATION OF WAUGH Sir, The late Duchess of Devonshire showed me a book given to her by the Roman Catholic Evelyn Waugh, having an inscription by him along the … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Piers Court, Remote People, Ronald Knox | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Winter Solstice Roundup

Roundup: Parties, T-shirts and Statues

–The Financial Times has an article by Rosa Lyster on “What makes a great fictional party.” This is inspired by the party drought that was only broken only a few months ago: …As well as people, music and a reason … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Adaptations, Art, Photography & Sculpture, Brideshead Revisited, Letters, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Television | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Parties, T-shirts and Statues

Armistice Day Roundup

–Perhaps in anticipation of today’s commemoration, this week’s Sunday Times reviewed a new book by Max Hastings. This is Soldiers: Great Stories of War and Peace. Here’s an excerpt from the review: The anthology opens with biblical warriors (Joshua at … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Letters, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Theater | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Armistice Day Roundup

Roundup: Great Writers and Happy Danes

–A Korean language paper Seoul Ilbo recently published a background article on Denmark, explaining its reputation as the happiest country in the world. This appeared among its sources for the article: Also, unlike other Nordics, Danes are known for being … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Oxford, Ronald Knox | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Great Writers and Happy Danes

Ronald Knox Revival Imminent?

An article in the Catholic Herald (“Rediscovering Ronnie”) suggests that a revival of interest in the writings of Waugh’s close friend and biographical subject Ronald Knox may be imminent. This is written by the Herald’s contributing editor Serenhedd James based … Continue reading

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Roundup: Agony Aunts and Metroland

–In the Daily Telegraph, Rowan Pelling muses over whether novelists would make good advice to the lovelorn “agony aunts”. Pelling has always thought Edith Wharton would be excellent and notes that Simone de Beauvoir and Anaïs Nin in fact functioned … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Decline and Fall, Film, Interviews, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Television Programs | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Agony Aunts and Metroland


–The Irish Times has a story about a visit to Birr Castle in Ireland. This is the home of the Earls of Rosse, and the present Lady Rosse conducts the IT ‘s reporter, Rosita Boland, through the house in a televised … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Biographies, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Decline and Fall, Ronald Knox | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup