Category Archives: Television Programs

Mid-May Roundup

–The Italian language newspaper Il Manifesto has posted an article (“The ivory brush and the tabernacle”) on Waugh’s novel Brideshead Revisited. This is written by Viola Pagetti. Here are slightly edited extracts translated (by Google) from the opening paragraphs: Having … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Film: The Scarlet Woman, Internet, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Television Programs, Translations | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Mid-May Roundup

Spring Equinox Roundup

–The New Criterion has posted a review of Simon Heffer’s new book on the interwar period. This is entitled Sing As We Go, and it is reviewed by Jeremy Black. The review is quite favorable and notes that Heffer’s depiction … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Newspapers, Television Programs | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Presidents Day Roundup

–Ben Dowell reviews  a new TV serial about Coco Chanel’s life in wartime Paris. The title of the review tells much about the story: “New Look Review–Nice Dresses: Coco Chanel–pity about the Nazi boyfriend”. The article in Saturday’s Times newspaper … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Sword of Honour, Television Programs, World War II | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Presidents Day Roundup

Valentines Day Roundup

–The BBC has reposted a 2022 episode of its art series Fake or Fortune. This involves a drawing said to be by the painter Modigliani that was owned by Waugh’s friend Sacheverell Sitwell (brother of Edith and Osbert). Here’s an … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Photography & Sculpture, Decline and Fall, Music, Observer, Television Programs | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Valentines Day Roundup


–The New Statesman has an article by Josiah Gogarty entitled “Only snobbery can stop Elon Musk: Class prejudice is the last weapon against tech titans.” Waugh makes a contribution: …Then there’s the more squeamish side of elitism: class snobbery. This … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Brideshead Revisited, Discussions, Internet, Newspapers, Television Programs | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup

Elizabeth Jane Howard Centenary: b. 26 March 1923

The Oldie has published a remembrance by Mark McGinness of novelist Elizabeth Jane Howard’s centenary which occurs today. Here’s an excerpt: Elizabeth Jane Howard would have been 100 on 26 March. Her stepson, Martin Amis, paid tribute to her “penetrating … Continue reading

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Early March Roundup

–Valerie Grove writing in The Times reviews BBC’s recent rerun of John Betjeman’s program Metroland which was originally broadcast 50 years ago (1973).  Grove had interviewed Betjeman about then when she must have been a cub reporter at the Evening … Continue reading

Posted in London, Newspapers, Sword of Honour, Television Programs | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Early March Roundup

Thanksgiving Roundup

–Iona McLaren writng in the Daily Telegraph considers the problem posed by readers who want to be warned against reading something that might upset them–in this case about books in which animals die. The article opens with this: The US … Continue reading

Posted in Black Mischief, Decline and Fall, Letters, Newspapers, Television Programs, Theater, World War II | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Thanksgiving Roundup

World Cup Roundup

–A recent book with a Waugh theme was listed (with reservations) among the Daily Telegraph year’s best biographies: Daisy Dunn’s Not Far From Brideshead (W&N, £20) is less satisfactory. What should be a dynamite intellectual history of how three great classicists – Gilbert … Continue reading

Posted in Books about Evelyn Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Scoop, Sword of Honour, Television Programs | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on World Cup Roundup

Roundup: Oxford, Metro-Land and Commandos

—The Times has a review of the recent book about Waugh and the Oxford-based Hypocrites Club, entitled Hellfire. See previous posts. This is reviewed by Daisy Dunn who opens with a well written summary of some of the book’s high … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Oxford, Television Programs, World War II | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Oxford, Metro-Land and Commandos