Tag Archives: The Guardian

General Election Roundup

—The Oldie has posted an article by A N Wilson commenting on elections with particular reference to the one scheduled for next week in the UK. Here’s an excerpt where he is reminded of Evelyn Waugh’s position on that subject: … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Photography & Sculpture, Brideshead Revisited, Complete Works, Newspapers, The Loved One | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Roundup: Two Letters and a Vase

—The Spectator has an article by Dot Wordsworth that features a misattribution to Evelyn Waugh. Here’s the opening: ‘Evelyn Waugh,’ said my husband when I asked who came up with the analogy of carrying a Ming vase. He was, in … Continue reading

Posted in Auctions, Brideshead Revisited, Interviews, Letters, Men at Arms, Newspapers, Oxford, World War II | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

May Day Roundup

–In a recent report of the results of a football match between Manchester City and Real Madrid, the Guardian’s reporter Barney Ronay brings an Evelyn Waugh character into the discussion. Here’s the opening: It turns out Pep Guardiola was right … Continue reading

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New Years Roundup

–The website LibraryThing.com has posted a review of the Folio Society editions of Black Mischief of which there have been three. Here’s the text: [Black Mischief] is a quite politically incorrect farce set in 1930 in the mythical country of … Continue reading

Posted in Bibliophilia, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Film, Internet, Newspapers, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on New Years Roundup

Armistice Day Roundup

—The Spectator carries an article revealing renewed interest in the works of innovative novelist Ronald Firbank. This is by contemporary novelist Alan Hollinghurst and is inspired by the recent erection of a Blue Plaque commemorating Firbank’s residence at 33 Curzon … Continue reading

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Roundup: A Major Auction and News from the Antipodes

–Auction house Bonham’s has scheduled the sale of several of Waugh’s books. These were presentation copies to F B Walker who worked at Chapman & Hall in the period of their publication. Bonham’s describes the importance of Walker to Waugh … Continue reading

Posted in Auctions, Brideshead Revisited, First Editions, Interviews, Newspapers, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: A Major Auction and News from the Antipodes

Columbus Day Roundup: 2 Podcasts, a Film and a Seminar

–An interview of Alexander Waugh by writer James Delingpole has been posted on the internet. It is listed as “Delingpod #359” and is available from this link. It was recorded on 1 October 2023. Although the website suggests that a … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Alexander Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Film, Newspapers, Oxford, Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Columbus Day Roundup: 2 Podcasts, a Film and a Seminar

Summer Solstice Roundup

–In a recent issue of The Sunday Times, Matthew Syed discussed the legacy of Boris Johnson. This excerpt appears near the beginning: We always knew Johnson was a skilled deceiver and dissimulator. In his book Chums, Simon Kuper tells of … Continue reading

Posted in Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Scoop | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Summer Solstice Roundup

Tax-Day Roundup

—Country Life magazine has posted a 2-part essay on the history of Edwin Lutyens design and the building of Campion Hall at Oxford. Waugh was involved in the process. Here’s an excerpt from part 1: …Waugh celebrated the Hospitality of … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Lectures, Newspapers, Oxford, The Loved One, World War II | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Tax-Day Roundup

Thanksgiving Roundup

–Iona McLaren writng in the Daily Telegraph considers the problem posed by readers who want to be warned against reading something that might upset them–in this case about books in which animals die. The article opens with this: The US … Continue reading

Posted in Black Mischief, Decline and Fall, Letters, Newspapers, Television Programs, Theater, World War II | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Thanksgiving Roundup