Category Archives: Men at Arms

Roundup: Two Letters and a Vase

—The Spectator has an article by Dot Wordsworth that features a misattribution to Evelyn Waugh. Here’s the opening: ‘Evelyn Waugh,’ said my husband when I asked who came up with the analogy of carrying a Ming vase. He was, in … Continue reading

Posted in Auctions, Brideshead Revisited, Interviews, Letters, Men at Arms, Newspapers, Oxford, World War II | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Mark McGinness Notes Anniversary of Evelyn Waugh’s Death

The Australian literary critic Mark McGinness has published an article in The Oldie that commemorates the 58th anniversary of Evelyn Waugh’s death on 10 April 1966. Here are the opening paragraphs: Twenty years ago, Alexander Waugh wrote a brilliant collective … Continue reading

Posted in Alexander Waugh, Anniversaries, Men at Arms, Newspapers | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Roundup: From Addis to Epstein

—The Reporter, an Ethiopian English-language journal, has identified the wholesale modernization of the country’s capital Addis Ababa as a matter of cultural concern.  Here are the opening paragraphs: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s enigmatic capital, is undergoing a makeover that’s as controversial … Continue reading

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Jonathan Raban 1942-2023: R.I.P.

The death earlier this week of Jonathan Raban has been announced. He was a well known British-born writer of travel books and novels, although according to several of his obituaries he objected to his works being labelled  “travel books”. The … Continue reading

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Jubilee Roundup

–An American edition of Paula Byrne’s biography of novelist Barbara Pym is being published next week. This is entitled The Adventures of Miss Barbara Pym and was issued last year in the UK by William Collins, which is also publishing … Continue reading

Posted in Biographies, Evelyn Waugh Society, Men at Arms, Newspapers, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Jubilee Roundup

Sword of Honour Reviewed in Italy

The Italian language religious newspaper Radio Spada has started what will apparently be a multi-article review of Waugh’s war trilogy. This is written by Luca Fumagalli who has written previously in Italian on Waugh’s work. See previous posts. An edited … Continue reading

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Evelyn’s Last Dance

Duncan McLaren has posted two articles in his Brideshead Festival series in which Evelyn Waugh ponders the contents of the last two volumes of Anthony Powell’s Dance to the Music of Time. These are Temporary Kings (1973) and Hearing Secret … Continue reading

Posted in Evelyn Waugh, Festivals, Humo(u)r, Men at Arms, Put Out More Flags, Scott-King's Modern Europe | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Evelyn’s Last Dance

Roundup: Baby Jungman, Proust, Japan and Zeppelins

–Mark McGinness has written an obituary of Desmond Guinness for the Australian literary magazine Quadrant. In this he adds another Waugh connection not mentioned in the English and Irish papers. See previous post. After his marriage to his first wife … Continue reading

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Apthorpe and Widmerpool

In Duncan McLaren’s latest posting, Anthony Powell joins the host of other writer friends of Evelyn Waugh who are either posthumously present or talked about at the recently postponed Castle Howard conference. In this case, Powell and several of his … Continue reading

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Peter Fleming’s War Career (More)

In the current New Criterion, D J Taylor reviews the recent biography of Peter Fleming, brother of Ian and friend of Evelyn Waugh. See previous post. Before addressing the contents of this biography, which covers his military career, Taylor discusses … Continue reading

Posted in Biographies, Men at Arms, Newspapers, Ninety-Two Days, Officers and Gentlemen, Sword of Honour, World War II | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Peter Fleming’s War Career (More)