Category Archives: Lectures

Roundup: Shopping Lists, Inheritance and a Lecture

–The auction house Bonham’s has on offer an unusual example of Wavian memorabilia. Here’s their description: Collection of 24 autograph postcards (from Piers Court), and 3 letters signed by Waugh (22 “E.W.”, 2 “Evelyn Waugh”, 3 unsigned) to Mrs. [Sylvia] … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Items for Sale, Lancing, Lectures, Letters | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Rhode Island Library Commemorates Waugh’s 1949 American Visit

The St Thomas More Library of the Portsmouth Abbey School in Rhode Island has mounted an exhibit commemorating Waugh’s visit to the school 75 years ago in March 1949. This was part of his lecture tour of Roman Catholic schools … Continue reading

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Roundup: Letters and A Lecture

—BBC Radio Four Extra has announced the rebroadcast of a 1996 adaptation of Waugh’s novel A Handful of Dust. This will be contained in two one-hour episodes. The first is broadcast on Tuesday, 24 October at 0500 repeated at 1500 … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Academia, Auctions, Lectures, Letters, Newspapers, Radio Programs, The Loved One, Translations, Unconditional Surrender/The End of the Battle, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Letters and A Lecture

Roundup: Events and Architecture

–Waterstones the booksellers have announced a live, in-person interview of Andrew Pettegree on the subject of his latest book entitled “The Book at War”. This will take place on 17 October, 1830-1930p at the Waterstones store in Canterbury, 6-8 Rose … Continue reading

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Campion Lecture in Oxford Announced

Campion Hall, Oxford has announced a public lecture in September that may be of interest to our readers: Professor Gerard Kilroy, Senior Fellow in English at Campion Hall, will be delivering a public lecture to celebrate the 400th anniversary of … Continue reading

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Tax-Day Roundup

—Country Life magazine has posted a 2-part essay on the history of Edwin Lutyens design and the building of Campion Hall at Oxford. Waugh was involved in the process. Here’s an excerpt from part 1: …Waugh celebrated the Hospitality of … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Lectures, Newspapers, Oxford, The Loved One, World War II | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Tax-Day Roundup

Evelyn Waugh Annual Lecture: 2023

Lancing College has announced the details of their annual Evelyn Waugh Lecture to be convened next month at the college. Here’s an excerpt from the announcement: We are delighted to have Oliver Soden (Teme 2003–2008) [writer, broadcaster and OL] as … Continue reading

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On Offer: Two Events, a Radio Series and Some Books

There have been two announcements of upcoming events in Southern England that may be of interest. The first is a joint presentation of the Victoria & Albert Museum and Vogue magazine: Four monarchs (crowned and uncrowned); one abdication; one royal … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Auctions, Brideshead Revisited, Festivals, Lectures, Radio | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on On Offer: Two Events, a Radio Series and Some Books

Spring Equinox Roundup

–The religious-philosophical website First Things has posted an article by George Weigel about conspiracy theories from within the Vatican hierarchy. This opens with an allusion to a seldom-mentioned Waugh character who has suddenly become relevant in the present international environment: … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Lectures, Newspapers, Scoop, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Spring Equinox Roundup

Modernism’s Centenary Marked: Essay and Lecture

There have been several stories in the papers recently about the major events in the history of modern literature that occurred in 1922. A recent article by John Self in The Critic magazine does an excellent job of bringing them … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, A Little Learning, Academia, Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Lectures, Newspapers, Television Programs | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Modernism’s Centenary Marked: Essay and Lecture