Tag Archives: Thomas Merton

Editing Merton

The Jesuit magazine America has posted a brief retrospective article describing Robert Giroux’s early professional coup with his 1948 publication of Thomas Merton’s Seven Storey Mountain. This is written by James T Keane. Evelyn Waugh played a part in the … Continue reading

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Columbus Day Roundup: 2 Podcasts, a Film and a Seminar

–An interview of Alexander Waugh by writer James Delingpole has been posted on the internet. It is listed as “Delingpod #359” and is available from this link. It was recorded on 1 October 2023. Although the website suggests that a … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Alexander Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Film, Newspapers, Oxford, Podcast | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Columbus Day Roundup: 2 Podcasts, a Film and a Seminar

Roundup: “The Death of a Modern Churchman”

–A literary website that encourages new writers (Culturedvultures.com) has posted a list of the 10 most absurd deaths in classic fiction. Among those selected is the death of Mr Prendergast in Waugh’s novel Decline and Fall: 8. DEATH BY SAW AND … Continue reading

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Mitford and Merton and Waugh

—The London Magazine has published on its website a copy of Evelyn Waugh’s 1960 review of Nancy Mitford’s last novel Don’t Tell Alfred: While looking through our archive recently we came across this review by Evelyn Waugh of Nancy Mitford’s … Continue reading

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Weekend Roundup: Waugh in the Book Reviews

The Daily Telegraph reviews a book by Julie Summers entitled Our Uninvited Guests about the wartime use of British country houses to shelter evacuated refugees from the bombed out cities or provide military bases. The review is by Robert Leigh-Pemberton … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Evelyn Waugh, Helena, Letters, Newspapers, Put Out More Flags, World War II | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Weekend Roundup: Waugh in the Book Reviews

Waugh: Letter Writing, Divorce Reform, and Wadham College

The nondenominational religious journal First Things has an article about what is seen as the dying art of letter writing. This is written by R E Colombini and entitled “So Long, Age of Letters”. He uses as a case study … Continue reading

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Waugh Quotes in Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal publishes a column called “Notable & Quotable” that features quotations worth further contemplation. The latest issue contains a quote from a letter Waugh sent to Thomas Merton in August 1948 advising him on how to improve … Continue reading

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Waugh’s Advice on Writing

Terry Teachout, drama critic of the Wall Street Journal and critic-at-large of Commentary, has posted on his artsblog a quote from Waugh on the practice of writing: Never send off any piece of writing the moment it is finished. Put it … Continue reading

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Publication of Book on Waugh and Merton Announced

A book by Canadian author and educator Mary Frances Coady on the friendship of Evelyn Waugh and U.S. theologian Thomas Merton has been announced. Entitled Merton and Waugh: A Monk, A Crusty Old Man, and The Seven Storey Mountain, it will … Continue reading

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