Tag Archives: America: The Jesuit Review

Editing Merton

The Jesuit magazine America has posted a brief retrospective article describing Robert Giroux’s early professional coup with his 1948 publication of Thomas Merton’s Seven Storey Mountain. This is written by James T Keane. Evelyn Waugh played a part in the … Continue reading

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4th of July Weekend Roundup

–America: The Jesuit Review has reposted on its website a 2013 essay about Waugh written by Jon M Sweeney. The essay was a response to the re-issuance of all of his fiction in the USA by Little, Brown and all … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Film, Letters, Newspapers, Scott-King's Modern Europe, Television | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on 4th of July Weekend Roundup

Mitford and Merton and Waugh

—The London Magazine has published on its website a copy of Evelyn Waugh’s 1960 review of Nancy Mitford’s last novel Don’t Tell Alfred: While looking through our archive recently we came across this review by Evelyn Waugh of Nancy Mitford’s … Continue reading

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Roundup: Black Shorts and Literate Oenophiles

–Writing in America: The Jesuit Review, Rob Weinert-Kendt, journalist and editor of the American Theatre magazine, recalls how his life has been shaped by his reading and viewing of Brideshead Revisited as a teenager. He begins by putting the story … Continue reading

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Jesuit Journal Reviews Eade Biography

The current issue of America magazine, the journal of the Jesuit order in the US, reviews Philip Eade’s biography of Evelyn Waugh. The review is by David Leigh and is not a favorable one:  Any biographer of Evelyn Waugh (1903–66) … Continue reading

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