Tag Archives: John Betjeman

Mid-May Roundup

–The Italian language newspaper Il Manifesto has posted an article (“The ivory brush and the tabernacle”) on Waugh’s novel Brideshead Revisited. This is written by Viola Pagetti. Here are slightly edited extracts translated (by Google) from the opening paragraphs: Having … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Film: The Scarlet Woman, Internet, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Television Programs, Translations | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Mid-May Roundup


–Novelist and biographer A N Wilson has published a detailed review of John Betjeman’s recently rebroadcast program Metroland. This appears in a recent issue of the Daily Mail. The BBC rebroadcast was mentioned in the previous Roundup. Wilson who was … Continue reading

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Early March Roundup

–Valerie Grove writing in The Times reviews BBC’s recent rerun of John Betjeman’s program Metroland which was originally broadcast 50 years ago (1973).  Grove had interviewed Betjeman about then when she must have been a cub reporter at the Evening … Continue reading

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Christie’s Online Sale of Waugh Presentation Copies

Christie’s has issued a catalogue for the sale of several Waugh editions from the collection of William S Reese. Here’s the general description: The themes of Part Three of The Private Collection of William S. Reese include fine art, Yale … Continue reading

Posted in A Little Learning, Auctions, Brideshead Revisited, Edmund Campion, Items for Sale | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Christie’s Online Sale of Waugh Presentation Copies

New Betjeman Collection

The Sunday Times has previewed a new collection of previously unpublished poems by Waugh’s friend John Betjeman, some of which have fairly explicit homosexual themes. The collection is entitled Harvest Bells and will be published later this month: A newly discovered … Continue reading

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Roundup: Wavian Influences

–A long-neglected British artist named Frank Bowling is enjoying a renewal of interest in his work. This is led by a retrospective at the Tate Britain which opened on 31 May and continues through 26 August. Another smaller exhibit includes … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Art, Photography & Sculpture, Brideshead Revisited, Events, Newspapers, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Wavian Influences

Easter Roundup

–The Australian religious journal Catholic Weekly has posted an essay entitled “The Easter yearning”.  This is by Karl Schmude and begins with a discussion of the many ways Easter is misunderstood today. Among the examples is this from Evelyn Waugh: … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Decline and Fall, Helena, Newspapers, Remote People, The Loved One | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Evelyn Waugh, Brexiteer?

In an article in the “pro-market” website Reaction, Alastair Benn considers why more artists do not support Britain’s exit from the EU. When he reviews where today’s writers come out on this subject, Evelyn Waugh’s name comes up: Although it might … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Photography & Sculpture, Newspapers, Scoop, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Evelyn Waugh, Brexiteer?

Take a Pew, or Not, as the Case May Be

In “The Times Diary” column of today’s edition of the paper, Patrick Kidd writes this about relations between Evelyn Waugh and John Betjeman: WAUGH OF WORDS Visitors to Combe Florey, the family home of Evelyn and Auberon Waugh, used to … Continue reading

Posted in Alexander Waugh, Auberon Waugh, Combe Florey, Newspapers, Radio Programs | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Take a Pew, or Not, as the Case May Be

Betjeman Interview on BBC

BBC Four has rebroadcast a TV interview of Waugh’s friend and contemporary, John Betjeman, by Michael Parkinson. The original broadcast was in November 1977, and it was Betjeman’s third and final appearance in a Parkinson interview. According to Parkinson,  Betjeman was the … Continue reading

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