Category Archives: Ronald Knox

New Year’s Roundup

–On his weblog Anecdotal Evidence, Patrick Kurp has a posting that quotes and summarizes Waugh’s New Year’s article for Harper’s Bazaar, dated 9 January 1934. Here’s an excerpt: […] Waugh shifts between the personal and national. He had spent the first … Continue reading

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Memorial Day/Late-May Bank Holiday Roundup

–In a recent two-part article on the non-denominational religious website, the morality of the nuclear bombing of Japan is reconsidered. The article is made up of a collection of the views expressed on the moral and religious issues arising … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Auberon Waugh, Decline and Fall, Love Among The Ruins, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Memorial Day/Late-May Bank Holiday Roundup

Downside’s Future Threatened (Updated)

The current issue of The Spectator has an article about the future of the two remaining Benedictine order public schools in Britain. These are Ampleforth in North Yorkshire and Downside in Somerset. A combination of falling enrollments (Roman Catholics are … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Auberon Waugh, Catholicism, Evelyn Waugh Society, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Waugh and Religious Satire

Prof Terry Lindvall of Virginia Wesleyan University has written a book entitled God Mocks: A History of Religious Satire from the Hebrew Prophets to Stephen Colbert. In his broad survey, he gives some time to a brief consideration of the … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Evelyn Waugh, Love Among The Ruins, Ronald Knox | Tagged , | Comments Off on Waugh and Religious Satire

Henry Green, Enthusiasms, Tammy Faye, and Clarissa

The attempted revival of Henry Green’s works and reputation marches ever onward. The latest contribution is an article by Dominic Green (no likely relationship since Henry’s family name was Yorke) in the New Criterion. Green makes the case that Yorke … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Catholicism, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Evelyn Waugh, Interviews, Letters, Newspapers, Ronald Knox, Scoop | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Henry Green, Enthusiasms, Tammy Faye, and Clarissa

Weekend Roundup: Somerset in the News

Most of our Waugh news in this week’s roundup come from or relates to the county of Somerset: An Australian radio program on the ABC network announces the upcoming TV series on the career of politician Jeremy Thorpe. This is … Continue reading

Posted in Auberon Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Combe Florey, Evelyn Waugh, Newspapers, Radio Programs, Ronald Knox, Waugh Family | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Weekend Roundup: Somerset in the News

Waugh Introduces New Edition of Greek Poetry

References to Waugh’s novels are used to introduce a review of the first volume of a new edition of The Greek Anthology published by Harvard University Press and The Loeb Library. The review is by Hayden Pelliccia and appears in a recent … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Newspapers, Officers and Gentlemen, Ronald Knox, The Loved One | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Waugh Introduces New Edition of Greek Poetry

Ronald Knox, Prose Stylist

In a review of the recent collection of articles Ronald Knox, A Man for All Seasons (see earlier post), Washington journalist Matthew Walther declares Knox to be the greatest English prose stylist of his time (P G Wodehouse excepted). Several … Continue reading

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Waugh in Reviews

The Prufrock column in this week’s Weekly Standard magazine contains this reference to the new book Ronald Knox: A Man for All Seasons, with a link to a review of the book: The Catholic priest Ronald Knox made a deep … Continue reading

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“Two Lives” Reviewed

Waugh’s biographies of two Roman Catholic priests (Edmund Campion and Ronald Knox) were published as a single volume entitled Two Lives in 2002. A paperback edition was issued in 2005. Both editions were published by Continuum International Publishing, an independent academic press … Continue reading

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