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Tag Archives: Anecdotal Evidence
New Year’s Roundup
–On his weblog Anecdotal Evidence, Patrick Kurp has a posting that quotes and summarizes Waugh’s New Year’s article for Harper’s Bazaar, dated 9 January 1934. Here’s an excerpt: […] Waugh shifts between the personal and national. He had spent the first … Continue reading
Posted in Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Ronald Knox
Tagged Anecdotal Evidence, Cherwell, Houston, Radio Spada
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Bastille Day Roundup
With the French celebrating their National Day and their World Cup victory this past weekend, our latest roundup is dedicated to them. Appropriately enough, our first entry relates to France. –In the weblog Literary Hub, Emily Temple admits that most writers … Continue reading
Posted in Auberon Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, Helena, Letters, Newspapers, Radio Programs
Tagged Anecdotal Evidence, BBC, Countess of Carnarvon, Downton Abbey, Literary Hub, Marcel Proust, Nigeness
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Waughs and the Bat Colony
Late last month in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, we posted a message about the Waugh Drive Bridge in Houston and its bat colony. Patrick Kurp, who maintains a weblog called “Anecdotal Evidence” and lives in Houston, has provided the … Continue reading