Tag Archives: Catholic Herald

Roundup: A Florentine Dinner Party, Some Interviews and a Pub

–The latest issue of Catholic Herald includes an article about Evelyn Waugh. This is written by Mark Roberts and is taken from his recent book noted below. In it, he describes an unpleasant dinner party in Florence that Waugh attended … Continue reading

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New Year’s Roundup

–Discussions of Waugh’s taste in clothing have appeared in two recent blogs. One relates to tweed suits, something Waugh obviously admired and inadvertently promoted. Here is an excerpt from the “Grey Fox” website: The Italian word ‘sprezzatura’ perfectly describes that … Continue reading

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Boxing Day Roundup

–Penguin have announced the issuance of a new edition of Waugh’s first book Rossetti: His Life and Work. This will be in the Penguin Modern Classics series and will be issued in the UK in April 2022. It will be … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Rossetti: His Life and Works, Scott-King's Modern Europe, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Boxing Day Roundup

Post-Thanksgiving Roundup

–10 December will mark the 10th anniversary of the death of Christopher Hitchens. This is commemorated in the Financial Times by an article entitled “The World Christopher Hitchens Left Behind”. This is by Janan Ganash who might have used as … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Decline and Fall, Helena, Lectures, Newspapers, Oxford, The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Post-Thanksgiving Roundup

Labo(u)r Day Roundup

–The Catholic Herald has an article by Ken Craycraft in which he reviews the recent biography of Graham Greene (The Unquiet Englishman by Richard Greene). Here is an excerpt: Critics and biographers are always looking for glimpses of Greene’s own … Continue reading

Posted in Academia, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Decline and Fall, Newspapers, Oxford, Wales | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Labo(u)r Day Roundup

A Little More Learning

Sophia Waugh, Evelyn’s grand daughter and Auberon’s daughter, writes this week in the Catholic Herald about the current state of Roman Catholic schools in the UK. The article opens with a brief review of the differing attitudes of various members … Continue reading

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Roundup: Sash Windows and Sitwells

–Eleanor Doughty writing in Country Life considers whether sash windows should be repaired or replaced. She opens the story with this: There is something about a sash window, isn’t there? The gentle squeak and heave as you lift it up, … Continue reading

Posted in Auctions, Catholicism, Combe Florey, Interviews, Letters, Newspapers | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: Sash Windows and Sitwells

New Books: Chagford and Fish Knives

–American novelist Chuck Etheridge has published earlier this year a new book entitled Chagford Revisited. Here’s the description from the publisher: Marker, an American Anglophile software engineer, has purchased the home Evelyn Waugh stayed in while writing Brideshead Revisited. He … Continue reading

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Ronald Knox Revival Imminent?

An article in the Catholic Herald (“Rediscovering Ronnie”) suggests that a revival of interest in the writings of Waugh’s close friend and biographical subject Ronald Knox may be imminent. This is written by the Herald’s contributing editor Serenhedd James based … Continue reading

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Unloved in LA

William Cash has written a feature length article in the Catholic Herald that provides some new insights into Evelyn Waugh’s 1947 trip to Hollywood. The trip combined an effort to agree film rights with MGM for Brideshead Revisited as well … Continue reading

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