Tag Archives: Alistair Graham

Mid-July Roundup

–British author, commentator and journalist Gerald Warner has posted an article entitled “Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Powell–visions of a vanished Britain.” In this he compares the lives and writings of the two authors who were also friends in real life. … Continue reading

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Alastair Graham and Steven Runciman (more)

In a recent post we mentioned a weblog article that described the friendship or affair between Waugh’s Oxford friend Alastair Graham and historian Steven Runciman. The book cited in that article (Outlandish Knight by Minoo Dinwash) sheds additional light on this matter and … Continue reading

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Alastair Graham, Steven Runciman and More Misfits

A blogger named John (who lives in the Southern US) posted on his weblog Notes from a Common-place Book a report of his recent trip to England. This posting is dated 4 September 2017. He sought out gravesites of writers he considered “misfits” … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Combe Florey, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Wales | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Daily Mail Prints Excerpt From New Waugh Biography

The Daily Mail has printed an excerpt from the new biography of Evelyn Waugh which will be published in the U.K. in July. This is by Philip Eade and will be issued by Weidenfeld and Nicolson who also published Waugh’s Diaries and … Continue reading

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