Tag Archives: Nicholas Lezard

Mid-July Roundup

–British author, commentator and journalist Gerald Warner has posted an article entitled “Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Powell–visions of a vanished Britain.” In this he compares the lives and writings of the two authors who were also friends in real life. … Continue reading

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Waugh and Ian Fleming

In an article published in the Guardian, Nicholas Lezard reviews the recent collection of Ian Fleming’s letters entitled The Man with the Golden Typewriter. This is edited by Fergus Fleming, author of several books and Fleming’s  nephew (son of his … Continue reading

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Nicholas Lezard’s Waugh Moment

In his column in this week’s New Statesman, journalist and critic Nicholas Lezard experiences a Waugh moment worthy of note. While looking for excuses to delay preparations for a trip to the U.S., he is introduced to his daughter’s new boyfriend. … Continue reading

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