Category Archives: Photographs

Mid-July Roundup

–British author, commentator and journalist Gerald Warner has posted an article entitled “Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Powell–visions of a vanished Britain.” In this he compares the lives and writings of the two authors who were also friends in real life. … Continue reading

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Roundup: Kitsch, Photos and a War

–Last week, a group of Waugh scholars convened by to listen to and discuss a talk by Professor Taichi Koyama on the subject Waugh and Kitsch. Here’s a description of Prof. Koyama’s presentation: Evelyn Waugh’s novels, from the earlier … Continue reading

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Smoke Signals from Waugh

Duncan McLaren has posted a lavishly illustrated photographic essay showing Waugh posing with pipe and cigar. Here’s a link. The pipe smoking photos seem to be post Oxford in the 1920s and the cigar smoking, post war. This leaves a … Continue reading

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D-Day Roundup

–On yesterday’s 77th anniversary of the D-Day landings, The Herald (Scotland) posted a story by Ron McKay recounting how various people were occupied on the actual day of the event. Among those there were two writers: … JD Salinger, who … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Basil Seal Rides Again, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Events, Letters, Newspapers, Photographs | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on D-Day Roundup

Bright Younger People

In yesterday’s Mail on Sunday, Toby Young writes about his days at Oxford in the 1980s, energized to do so by a new book out later this week by Dafydd Jones. This is entitled Oxford, The Last Hurrah. The US … Continue reading

Posted in Adaptations, Brideshead Revisited, Newspapers, Oxford, Photographs | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Bright Younger People

Stephen Tennant: Underachieving Novelist

The publicity surrounding the shuttered Cecil Beaton exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery (see earlier posts) has apparently stirred up interest in Beaton’s friend and sometime collaborator Stephen Tennant. The Paris Review has posted an article reviewing Tennant’s career, with … Continue reading

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Cecil Beaton Exhibit @ NPG (More)

–The curator of the National Potrait Gallery’s Cecil Beaton exhibit (Robin Muir) has posted several photos (some with his comments) of the exhibit. There is one on Instagram showing Henry Lamb’s portraits of Evelyn Waugh and Cecil Beaton hanging next … Continue reading

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Bright Young People Re-illuminated

There are several stories in the press about the “Bright Young People” inspired by next Thursday’s opening of the Cecil Beaton exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery mentioned in several previous posts. The most interesting of these is by Hugo … Continue reading

Posted in Decline and Fall, Events, London, Newspapers, Photographs, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Bright Young People Re-illuminated

Roundup of Updates

–The Wall Street Journal’s weekend edition carries a story by Tobias Grey about the upcoming exhibition of Cecil Beaton’s works. This opens on 12 March at the National Portrait Gallery in London. See earlier posts. After describing the genesis of … Continue reading

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Waugh and Celebrations, or not, as the Case May Be

–The Guardian in an editorial recently addressed various proposals to celebrate (or gloat over) Brexit. These range from suggestions of Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson that Big Ben be temporarily brought back into service to ring in their victory and Leave … Continue reading

Posted in Brideshead Revisited, Festivals, Newspapers, Photographs, Unconditional Surrender/The End of the Battle | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Waugh and Celebrations, or not, as the Case May Be