The final volume of the complete works of novelist P.G.Wodehouse has been issued. This brings to closure a 15 year project of publisher Everyman’s Library. For the first time all 99 of Wodehouse’s books are in print from a single source. This milestone was noted in the Yorkshire Post with the following quote from Evelyn Waugh, who was an admirer of Wodehouse’s work:
It was Evelyn Waugh, no literary slouch himself, who once said to [Wodehouse]: “You are the head of my profession.”
The Wodehouse project is coming to completion just as a plan to publish the complete works of Evelyn Waugh is gaining momentum. The Waugh project is intended to cover all his books as well as his other writings such as letters, many of which have not been previously published. It is expected to extend to 42 volumes to be issued by Oxford University Press over the period 2016-22. A team of expert editors is already at work. The University of Leicester is sponsoring a conference later this week where the editors, other noted writers and Waugh enthusiasts will gather and discuss their progress.