Tag Archives: Crisis magazine

Mothers’ Day (U.S.) Roundup

–An article in this week’s TLS (10 May 2024) marks the centenary of the 1924 novel The Green Hat by Michael Arlen. He was something of a one hit wonder, as the article by Philip Ward explains. Here are some … Continue reading

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Roundup: Anniversaries, Flemings and Nature Writing

–A feature length article in the religious journal Crisis Magazine marks the anniversary of Waugh’s conversion to Roman Catholicism on 29 September 1930. This is written by S A McCarthy and entitled “The Curmudgeonly Catholic: Three Life Lessons from Evelyn … Continue reading

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Bastille Day Roundup

—Architectural Review has reposted its June 1930 article by Evelyn Waugh about the buildings of Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi. Some of this was included in Waugh’s  contemporaneous travel book Labels, but the magazine article appears to be more fully illustrated. … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Photography & Sculpture, Catholicism, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Labels, Newspapers | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Bastille Day Roundup

Roundup: From MoI to Antifa

–University of London has posted a history of Senate House, a large modern building on its campus near the British Museum. It housed the Ministry of Information (“MoI”) during WWII. Waugh features in the discussion: Literary descriptions of Senate House … Continue reading

Posted in Bibliophilia, Black Mischief, Brideshead Revisited, Put Out More Flags, Scoop, Short Stories, Unconditional Surrender/The End of the Battle, Vile Bodies | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Roundup: From MoI to Antifa

Mother’s Day Roundup

–Nicholas Lezard writing in the New Statesman calls on Basil Seal to explain why asparagus (now coming into season in northerly climates) is the most sexy vegetable: … like all things sexy, it trembles on the edge of exploitation. In … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Brideshead Revisited, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Newspapers, Oxford, Put Out More Flags, Translations | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Mother’s Day Roundup

Waugh’s Signature, Favorite Dublin Pub, Lost in Translation, Etc.

–Duncan McLaren has posted a short note on Waugh’s change in his signature at an early stage in his career. This is posted on his website under WAUGH BITES. McLaren is able to triangulate that change in the early 1930’s … Continue reading

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Waugh and Death

In a recent issue of The American Scholar, an article by Sudip Bose notes a connection between Evelyn Waugh and Igor Stravinsky’s Requiem Canticles. This was a late compositon that was played at Stravinsky’s own 1971 funeral in Venice. He … Continue reading

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Review of Helena in Roman Catholic Journal

The Roman Catholic online journal Crisis Magazine, published by the Sophia Institute Press, has posted a retrospective review of Waugh’s 1950 historical novel Helena, possibly his least read work of book-length fiction. The review is entitled “A Catholic Satirist at Work” … Continue reading

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Brideshead Reviewed in Cambridge and Elsewhere

Brideshead Revisited opened its run at the Cambridge Arts Theatre yesterday and is reviewed today in the Cambridge News. In the review, by Lydia Fallon, she finds herself  really wanting to love [the] play, but then leaving the theatre feeling a … Continue reading

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Evelyn Waugh and the Resolute Old Lady

In an article in Crisis magazine, Professor Regis Martin from a Roman Catholic college in Ohio is reminded of Waugh as he conducts a group of his students around Europe. This occurs as they are about to visit a church in the outskirts of Vienna … Continue reading

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