Tag Archives: Jeffrey Meyers

Roundup: Schoolmaster Novelists

–Literary biographer Jeffrey Meyers writing in TheArticle.com describes the early 20th Century school teaching careers of four English novelists. Here are the opening paragraphs: Aspiring writers have often tried their hand at teaching.  They have usually assumed that it would … Continue reading

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Midsummer Roundup

—The Article has a detailed review of the recent CWEW edition of A Handful of Dust. This is by literary biographer and critic Jeffrey Meyers who has written several articles about Waugh in the last few years. Meyers opens his … Continue reading

Posted in A Handful of Dust, Brideshead Revisited, Catholicism, Collections, Complete Works, Helena, Sword of Honour | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Midsummer Roundup

Partygate Roundup

–An article posted on the website The Conversation,com has attracted a lot of attention since it appeared last week. This is entitled “Partygate Revisited” and is written by Trinity College Dublin senior research scholar Orlaith Darling.  She begins with a … Continue reading

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Waugh’s Travel Writing

Biographer Jeffrey Meyers has written another in his series of articles about British travel writers in The Article, an online magazine. Waugh was prominently mentioned in two previous articles–those dealing with Robert Byron and Wilfred Thesiger. These are described in … Continue reading

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Wilfred Thesiger Profiled in “The Article”

Biographer Jeffrey Meyers has written a profile of pre-eminent British travel writer Wilfred Thesiger. This is posted in the online literary journal The Article. Meyers begins by recalling his 1979 interview of Thesiger in the latter’s London apartment. He notes … Continue reading

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Profile in Hatred: Evelyn Waugh and Robert Byron

Biographer and literary critic Jeffrey Meyers has written a biographical profile of travel writer Robert Byron, with particular reference to the mutual hate – love – hate relationship between Byron and Evelyn Waugh. This appears in the online journal The … Continue reading

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Evelyn Waugh Studies (Autumn 2019) Now Available

The latest edition of the society’s journal Evelyn Waugh Studies (Autumn 2019, No. 50.2) is now available. It can be accessed at this link. The contents are set out below: CONTENTS Brideshead Serialized: 75th Anniversary of Publication in Town & … Continue reading

Posted in Anniversaries, Brideshead Revisited, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Oxford, World War II | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Evelyn Waugh Studies (Autumn 2019) Now Available

Evelyn and Randolph in WWII Yugoslavia

In the new issue of the collected lectures of the British Studies seminar at the Unversity of Texas, there is a lecture entitled “Evelyn Waugh and Randolph Churchill in Yugoslavia”. This is by biographer and literary critic Jeffrey Meyers who … Continue reading

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Commonweal Marks J F Powers Centenary

The Roman Catholic literary magazine Commonweal has marked the centenary of novelist J F Powers birth with an article on Powers’ career entitled “His Bleak Materials” by biographer and critic Jeffrey Meyers. The article begins with Meyers’ memoir of a 1981 … Continue reading

Posted in A Little Learning, Anniversaries, Essays, Articles & Reviews, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh Studies, Newspapers, The Loved One | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Commonweal Marks J F Powers Centenary

Article Compares Waugh Views on Abyssinia

The latest edition of British-based journal History Today (access to full article requires subscription) contains a survey of previous writings relating to Haile Selassie, late emperor of Abyssinia. The article, entitled “Abyssinia Out of the Shadows,” is written by literary … Continue reading

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