Applicants sought for funded Oxford DPhil (PhD) in connection with the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh project

From the announcement by the Faculty of English, University of Oxford:

Applicants are sought for a three year, fully funded Studentship (including both fees and living costs) to work towards a DPhil (PhD) in the Faculty of English, University of Oxford on the [Arts and Humanities Research Council] project The Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh. The Studentship will commence in October 2014 and is open to UK nationals, or EU nationals who have resided in the UK for 3 years or more.

The successful applicant will normally have achieved a Master’s degree with distinction (or equivalent) in English Literature or a relevant subject, but does not necessarily have to be a Waugh specialist at the commencement of the Studentship. Their work will focus on one of the project’s central areas of enquiry: Waugh’s inter-war travel writing. They will examine the whole cultural and bibliographical context of all five of the inter-war texts with a view to producing a book from the thesis that could be submitted to OUP as a companion volume to the edition. The student appointed to the project will be supervised by Professor David Bradshaw.

Additional information here.

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