The Folio Society recently issued an illustrated edition of Waugh’s second novel, Vile Bodies. It has an introduction written “for this stylish new edition” by David Lodge, Honorary President of the Evelyn Waugh Society, and is illustrated by Kate Baylay. According to the Folio Society’s press release, Professor Lodge explains why Vile Bodies is his favorite among Waugh’s novels. A review of this new edition appears in the latest issue of The New Criterion.
The Folio Society previously published a boxed set of Waugh’s first six novels, including Vile Bodies. This set, entitled “Comedies,” was issued in 1999 with illustrations by John Holder. Some descriptions mention an introduction by David Lodge that appeared in the Decline & Fall volume of that earlier edition. How, if at all, that may relate to his introduction in this new solo edition of Vile Bodies is not explained in the press release. Other Folio Society editions of Waugh’s works include The Loved One, Brideshead Revisited and a boxed set of Sword of Honour. Some of the novels in the Comedies set have also been issued separately.