Forum Auctions of London has issued a catalogue of several items of interest involving books written and owned by and correspondence of Evelyn Waugh. The 75 lots come from various sources. Of the several pieces of correspondence, perhaps the most interesting are:
Lot 7, a postcard to Robert Byron dated 13 February 1928 relating to each writer’s works in progress of that period.
Lot 25, a 1936 letter to Canon F E Hutchinson relating, inter alia, to his comments on Waugh’s biography of Edmund Campion.
Lot 59, a 1956 post card to Fr Philip Caraman seeking advice on some points of Jesuit history to use in a response to an article of Prof Hugh Trevor-Roper in the New Statesman.
Lot 65, a series of post cards dated early 1960s to journalist and food critic Cyril Ray regarding socialism.
Lot 68, original of letter dated 28 October 1965 to Prof. A J P Taylor about war trilogy and other matters; contents published in Letters, p. 634.
Also of particular interest are the following books:
Lot 3, copy of Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood that previously belonged to Waugh after his aunt bequeathed her gifted copy back to him.
Lots 21 and 22, copy of limited edition of Black Mischief and proof of “The Curse of the Horse Race” given to Diana Cooper in 1932 at the beginning of their friendship.
The sale will take place on 13 July at the London premises of the auctioneers, 220 Queenstown Road, SW8, and on the internet. The books may be viewed at the auctioneers’ premises and later at The Westbury Hotel at dates specified in the announcement.