Nicholas Sheetz (1952-2016) R.I.P.

The death of Nicholas Sheetz, former librarian of Georgetown University’s Special Collections, has been announced. Nick is well known to Waugh scholars and was always helpful to those using the collections. He was also always ready  to offer help to access information about Waugh and his generation outside the Georgetown archives. In 2003 he organized a conference  at Georgetown on the occasion of the centenary of Waugh’s birth. Here’s an excerpt from his obituary on a Newport (RI) website;

As Manuscripts Librarian at Georgetown University’s Joseph Mark Lauinger Memorial Library, Nicholas was personally responsible for helping the university to secure many important books and collections, including papers relative to extraordinary authors such as Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Powell, and to diplomats and other members of the intelligentsia. Joseph E. Jeffs, University Librarian, recalled that Nicholas helped to start Georgetown’s extensive collection of Graham Greene, after Lord Oliver Walston had invited Nicholas to tea at the House of Lords, where he told Nicholas that his wife’s Greene collection was in the cellar of a bank in London.

Among the papers relating to Waugh in the Georgetown collections are those of Christopher Sykes and Graham Greene, including Waugh’s letters to them.

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