The Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh has issued an invitation to recently announced book launch at Campion Hall in Oxford. See earlier post dated 26 July. This clarifies that the book to be launched is the OUP Complete Works edition of Waugh’s Edmund Campion of which Gerard Kilroy is the co-editor. That book is currently in production at OUP, although a publication date has not yet been announced. Here is a copy of the CWEW invitation distributed by co-executive editor Barbara Cooke:
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to an online event hosted by Campion Hall, Oxford, which celebrates the fantastic scholarship of our own Professor Gerard Kilroy. As most of you know, Gerard has been hard at work editing Waugh’s Edmund Campion for a number of years (editors of completed volumes can guess just how many), and the volume is now in production with OUP. The final stages of Gerard’s work correspond with the beginning of a year of events at Campion Hall to mark their 125th anniversary, and I’m delighted that we all have the chance to support Gerard and the Hall. On 9 September at 17.30 BST (GMT +1), Gerard will give a talk entitled ‘Edmund Campion and Waugh’s “’Household of the Faith’”, for which you can register via this Eventbrite link:
Edmund Campion and Waugh’s ‘Household of the Faith’ Tickets, Thu 9 Sep 2021 at 17:30 | Eventbrite
Waugh was personally involved in the foundation of Campion Hall and donated the royalties of the book to that effort. His good friend Martin D’Arcy was the first Master of that institution.