BBC Radio 4 Extra will broadcast a 3 hour radio adaptation of Put Out More Flags in early December. This will be aired on three successive days starting Monday, 5 December at 0500 and repeated at 1000 and 1500, with a different episode each day. Each episode will one hour. It will be accessible on BBC worldwide via the internet shortly after the first broadcast of each episode. Here’s the link: <>.
The adaptation is by Denys Hawthorne and was first broadcast in September 1990. Basil Seal is played by the late Simon Cadell, best known for his appearance in the BBC sit com Hi-De-Hi!.
Here’s the BBC’s description:
As the Second World War looms, upper-class loafer Basil Seal considers his role in the unfolding events.
Evelyn Waugh’s sixth novel, first published in 1942. The satire reprises characters found in previous novels such as ‘Decline and Fall’ and ‘Vile Bodies’.
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