On today’s episode of the BBC Radio 4 program Open Book, Mariella Frostrup interviews the Evelyn Waugh Society’s Honorary President, David Lodge, about his recently published memoir.
Among the topics they discuss is Lodge’s status as a Roman Catholic writer. Lodge felt that as a Catholic he was a member of a minority in England and that Catholic writers as a group formed a sort of elite to which he aspired. In addition to Waugh, he mentions Graham Greene and Francois Mauriac as among the Catholic writers he admired. He also notes the irony that he has lost much of his faith just at the time many other authors found they needed it most. Other subjects discussed are how his life affected his writing, his academic career as a source for material, his trips to the USA (which he found uplifting in the 1960s compared to the darker place it has now become), and his plans for a second volume.
The interview can be heard over the internet on a standard US internet connection for several more days at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0505t2p.