Waugh’s Life of Ronald Knox Cited

A nondenominational religious Blog has included a lengthy cite from Waugh’s biography of Ronald Knox. This relates to Waugh’s discussion of Knox’s friendship with Guy Lawrence. The two became acquainted when Knox, then still an Anglican, was chaplain at Trinity College, Oxford, and Lawrence was an undergraduate. Lawrence became a member of one of the informal discussion groups that formed around Knox, who entertained them over tea in his college lodgings. The posting continues:

In his early adulthood, Knox developed a strong friendship with a young man named Guy Lawrence. As Waugh reflects on the place of this friendship in Knox’s life, he includes a lengthy quote from Fr. Bede Jarrett, which was originally addressed to a monk who was troubled by how intensely he had developed an affection for one specific friend.

A complete quote of the passage then follows. Fr. Bede Jarrett, described by Waugh as a “wise and holy Provincial of the English Dominicans,”  re-established that Order’s presence at Oxford where he became a friend and religious adviser to Graham Greene.

It might also be useful to know that Knox and Guy Lawrence remained friends after Lawrence left Oxford. Waugh goes on to explain that Lawrence was one of many (if not most) of Knox’s close friends from his school and college days who died in WWI.

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