The latest issue of the Society’s journal Evelyn Waugh Studies (No. 47.2, Autumn 2016) is posted on the website. Here are the contents:
Grace Stevens, Unnatural Narratology and the Tiresian Anthony Blanche in Brideshead Revisited
David Bittner, The “Vanbrugh Brouhaha” in Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited
“Explanations, No Apologies”, Evelyn Waugh, by Ann Pasternak Slater. Reviewed by J.V. Long
“Was This Book Really Necessary?” Evelyn Waugh: A Life Revisited, by Philip Eade. Reviewed by Jeffrey A. Manley
Brideshead Revisited: A Play, Adapted by Bryony Lavery from the novel by Evelyn Waugh. Reviewed by Jeffrey A. Manley