Lancing College has posted a report on the annual Evelyn Waugh Lecture which was presented last week at the college by Selina Hastings:
Selina’s subject for her talk was the literary and epistolary relationship between Waugh and his lifetime friend, Nancy Mitford. Evelyn Waugh was at Lancing between 1916 -1921; his final school report notes “His work has great merit and is sometimes really brilliant…he has quite unusual ability and a real gift for writing. We shall hear of him again.”
Over 150 guests from the Lancing family attended the special occasion, 100 years on from when Waugh first came to Lancing.
The lecture was followed by a wonderful dinner in the Dining Hall and concluded with a toast to the College and its loyal supporters from Sir Tim Rice, Chairman of the Foundation Council.
Linked to the Lancing College website are several photos of the event, including one with Selina standing beside what looks like a copy of the bust commissioned by a Yugoslav artist during WWII. The original is in the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas.