The October issue of Campion News, the newsletter of Campion Hall, Oxford, has announced its participation in the OUP’s Complete Works of Waugh project:
The recognised authority on Edmund Campion, Professor Gerard Kilroy, Senior Research Fellow at the Hall, is co-editing a new edition of Evelyn Waugh’s Edmund Campion. This was first published in 1935 with the express purpose of responding to the appeal for the funding of the newly-built Campion Hall which had been launched by Fr Martin D’Arcy S.J, its Master at the time.
This new authoritative edition bids fair to provide a fascinating study of the immense influence that the celebrated Jesuit had in Waugh’s life (and, indeed, of those in his circle). It will also recognise the massive contribution accruing to Campion Hall from the royalties from the many editions of Waugh’s book. This new edition will constitute one of the approximately forty-five volumes of the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh to be published by OUP, and its royalties will also come to the Hall.
Edmund Campion will be volume 17 of the Complete Works, and the other co-editor is Thomas McCoog. There is no estimated publication date yet given for this volume on the CWW website.