Acorn TV will begin USA sales of the DVD of Waugh’s novel Decline and Fall later this month. This is the BBC’s adaptation that was broadcast in the UK earlier this year. has announced availability of the DVD effective 12 September. You can read a review of all three episodes in the latest issue of Evelyn Waugh Studies at this link (click on “Rising Returns” under Reviews). The DVD also includes 15 minutes of special features not available on the televised version. Here is the description of this additional material:
- Satire (5 min.) – Cast and crew members discuss the intricacies and difficulties of adapting Evelyn Waugh’s tongue-in-cheek satire for the screen.
- On Set (5 min.) – Cast and crew members discuss the locations and sets used for filming Decline & Fall.
- Adaptation (5 min.) – Evelyn Waugh’s classic novel is beloved by many; cast and crew members discuss their desire to stay true to the source in their modern adaptation.
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