Amazon is offering an independently published study by Indian academic Ravi Dhar of Evelyn Waugh’s novels. According to the introduction by former Professor S. K. Das of the University of Calcutta:
Dr Dhar examines the philosophical basis of Waugh’s novels. His contention is that Waugh’s novels are philosophical in their attitude to change and progress. This very attitude shapes Waugh’s comic vision of life and makes his works universal…Dr Dhar’s work is the product of a long and painstaking research. This meticulous study … will certainly contribute to deeper understanding of Waugh’s novels.
The 442-page book is entitled Evelyn Waugh Revisited (not to be confused with the recent biography by Philip Eade entitled Evelyn Waugh: A Life Revisited). Dr Dhar’s book concentrates on Waugh’s works–each chapter is based on one of the novels–whereas Eade focused primarily on Waugh’s life. The book is available in paperback and ebook formats from Amazon in both the US and UK.