The British Library will host an exhibit entitled P G Wodehouse: The Man and His Work. This will open on 27 November 2018. According to a related posting on the website Plumtopia, the exhibit will include materials from the Wodehouse family’s collection of Wodehousiana, much of which has been on loan to the BL for the past few years while the exhibit was being organized. Some of the items on show may include Waugh’s letters to Wodehouse as well as “a 1961 Christmas gift from Evelyn Waugh inscribed to: ‘The head of my profession.’ “As part of the exhibit, there will be a presentation (“The Wit and Wisdom of P G Wodehouse”) by Tony Ring, founding member of the Wodehouse Society and author of several books on its namesake. This is scheduled for 1915p on 6 December 2018, at the BL. Tickets for this presentation are available here. The exhibit itself is free.
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