Latest “EWS” Posted: States, Issues and Complete Works

The most recent issue of the Society’s journal Evelyn Waugh Studies is now posted. This is No. 52.3 (Winter 2021) and opens with an article by Hartley Moorhouse entitled “Bibliographical Confusion Surrounding the First UK Editions of Scoop”. This uses book listings of Waugh’s novel to explain bookseller nomenclature in descriptions of early editions:

One question that needs clearing up is the bibliographical difference between a “state” and an “issue.” This is the kind of subject that has non-biblionerds rolling their eyes in boredom and contempt […] Somewhat regrettably, the cataloguers…seem to use the two terms interchangeably, or seem to think that “state” should be applied to dust jackets whereas “issue” should be applied to books […]. Cataloguers working for British auction houses and dealers in rare books frequently get their states and their issues in a horrible muddle, and in one way this is perhaps hardly surprising: it is an inherently confusing subject.

There are also reviews of two recent additions to the Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh. These are the first examples of travel writing to be published in this series: Ninety-Two Days, v. 22,  reviewed by Jonathan Pitcher and A Tourist in Africa, v. 25, reviewed by Jeffrey Manley. These volumes were both issued last year. Here’s the link.

It should also be noted that EWS No 52.2 (Autumn 2021) issued last year and described in a previous post is also now posted at this link.

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