A new issue of Evelyn Waugh Studies, the Society’s journal, has been posted. This is vol 54.2 (Autumn 2023). Here is the summary by the Society’s Secretary Jamie Collinson:
I write to provide you with Evelyn Waugh Studies 54.2 which I can honestly say is my favourite edition to date. That’s due not least to a very readable and brilliantly insightful essay on A Handful of Dust, by Martin Stead. Stead makes a convincing case for religious symbolism in the novel, which I for one hadn’t picked up, and an equally compelling case that Tony Last isn’t quite as innocent as he might seem. I hope you’ll enjoy the essay as much as I did. For my money, the ending of A Handful of Dust is one of Waugh’s most breathtaking achievements, and new light is shed here. Also included is a review of the latest edition in The Complete Works of Evelyn Waugh: Edmund Campion, edited by Gerard Kilroy and reviewed for EWS by D. Marcel DeCoste. DeCoste examines Kilroy’s thesis that writing Campion inspired a fruitful new creative direction for Waugh. Finally, our own Jeffrey Manley reviews Thoroughly Modern: The Pioneering Life of Barbara Ker-Seymer, Photographer, and Her Brilliant, Bohemian Friends, by Sarah Knights. This book has been picking up coverage for its detailing of a very interesting life, and one that intersected with Waugh’s and the Bright Young Things.