Penguin UK is selling a new hardback edition of Brideshead Revisited that was published last week. This is in their Penguin Classics series but has a dust wrapper that differs from the uniform hardback Penguin Classics edition of Waugh’s books that they published in 2011. This book is in a new classics series that has abstract designs on the dust wrappers. Others in the series include Orlando by Virginia Woolf and Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past. Brideshead along with Put Out More Flags and Vile Bodies are among the volumes in the 2011 classics uniform hardback edition that are no longer for sale on Penguin’s website and have apparently gone out of print. A new edition of Put Out More Flags in yet another Penguin Classics series will be published next month with a bright orange paperback cover. And Penguin have also announced issuance of a TV tie-in edition of Decline and Fall to be published next March in conjunction with the new BBC adaptation.
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