The Spanish-language online newspaper Aceprensa yesterday published an article marking the 50th anniversary of Evelyn Waugh’s death. The article, by Miguel Castellvi, makes several points:
–Despite charges of snobbery and elitism, Waugh’s reputation as one of the 20th century’s greatest writers of English prose has endured.
–His reputation is recognized by the project of the Oxford University Press and University of Leicester to publish his complete works in 43 volumes and the announcement of a new biography to be published in July.
–In Spanish, Carlos Villar Flor has translated five of his novels, including the three volumes of his war trilogy, Sword of Honour (La espada del honor).
–Villar Flor has also joined with Prof. Donat Gallagher to write In the Picture, which is a historical review of Waugh’s military career aimed at correcting many misconceptions of previous biographers and critics.
Villar Flor is also a member of the Evelyn Waugh Society and has lectured at several of its conferences. The foregoing is based on a Google Translate version of the article. Anyone wishing to correct or edit this summary is invited to file a comment as directed below.