A blogger has posted on the internet his 27-page article on Waugh’s final (and much neglected) travel book Tourist in Africa. This is Dr. Robert Hickson who sees in Waugh’s descriptions of 1959 East Africa (particularly those of Tanganyika and Zanzibar) a prophecy of what may be about to happen in Europe as the result of ever-increasing immigration of non-Christian people. The essay, which is reposted from scrbd.com, is attached to his introduction on catholicism.org. The article also cites a 1961 book by James Burnham about this same region which is compared to Waugh’s descriptions. Overall, from a brief look, this appears to contain more quotation than analysis, allowing Waugh’s and Burnham’s words largely to speak for themselves. Here’s part of the introduction to give you some idea of what Dr. Hickson’s article is about:
By considering the refreshingly candid insights to be found in A Tourist in Africa (1960) — Evelyn Waugh’s last book of travel — we may also thereby shed valuable light on the current challenges and limits to be faced by discordantly multi-cultured and overloaded Europe, given the stark underlying realities of geography and of demography (births, deaths, and migrations).
The complete article from scrbd.com is posted just below the introduction.