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Tag Archives: East Africa
Waugh and the African Railways
The Sueddeutsche Zeitung published in Munich has a feature story (“Afrika-Express”) by Bernd Doerries about the expansion of the railway networks in East Africa financed by the Chinese. Most recently, this involves the opening of a new line in Kenya from … Continue reading
Posted in Evelyn Waugh, Newspapers, Remote People
Tagged Bernd Doerries, East Africa, railways, Sueddeutsche Zeitung
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Tourist in Africa as Prophecy
A blogger has posted on the internet his 27-page article on Waugh’s final (and much neglected) travel book Tourist in Africa. This is Dr. Robert Hickson who sees in Waugh’s descriptions of 1959 East Africa (particularly those of Tanganyika and … Continue reading
Posted in A Tourist in Africa, Articles
Tagged catholicism.org, Dr. Robert Hickson, East Africa
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