Philip Eade’s biography of Evelyn Waugh has been issued in paperback in the UK by publisher Weidenfeld & Nicolson. The recommended price is £10.99 ( £10.68). The Daily Mail has a brief review by Jane Shilling in its Must Reads column that concludes:
…[Philip Eade] does his best, examining Waugh’s unhappy first marriage, his love affair with his Oxford contemporary, Alastair Graham, and his tendency to fall deeply in love with girls who didn’t reciprocate his adoration. Pacy and gossipy, it’s a welcome reminder of the deep feeling and lambent elegance of Evelyn Waugh’s own writing.
The Sunday Express has also noted the new paperback edition and Charlotte Heathcote recommends Eade’s book for summer non-fiction reading:
The novelist Evelyn Waugh: what was he good for? Devastating, wickedly funny portraits of the champers-swigging British upper classes is the answer. … This is a deliciously readable life of the great man with all his sidebars of shame.
UPDATE (23 July 2017): A notice relating to the paperback edition from today’s Sunday Express was added.